FCNL Volunteer Advocacy Team Members on the Airwaves

I was proud and personally encouraged to hear the voices of two Lancaster Friends speaking earlier this month on public radio! Tony Cracomo and Beth Reeves were interviewed by Scott LaMar on Smart Talk, February 6, 2020. 

Quakers lobby Congress for peace, equality, and simplicity.

Beth and Tony speak clearly as citizen advocates, explaining their work, especially through the Friends Committee on National Legislation's program for local volunteer Advocacy Teams.

I am grateful for them and to them and for other citizens who seek change through thoughtful, value-informed, fact-based, and reasoned conversation. 

                                            Faith D’Urbano

If interested in learning more about the Lancaster FCNL Volunteer Advocacy Team please contact Beth Reeves, Jane Cadwallader, Alice Meckley, Jim Herr, or Tom Latus.     
