Finding Peace and Hope in Spiritual Community: Annual Spiritual Formation Retreat
to Apr 6

Finding Peace and Hope in Spiritual Community: Annual Spiritual Formation Retreat

Finding Peace and Hope in Spiritual Community

The Spiritual Formation Collaborative of Philadelphia Yearly Meeting invites you to spend a weekend of spiritual deepening, nurturing your Spiritual center, and sharing the peace and hope that lies within each of us.

Marcelle Martin will help to guide us. Marcelle is a Quaker author, teacher and workshop facilitator. She has written two books, Our Life Is Love: The Quaker Spiritual JourneyA Guide to Faithfulness Groups and three Pendle Hill pamphlets.

We will gather Friday evening for dinner and stay at Pendle Hill’s Brinton House Conference Center. This beautiful Quaker retreat spans 25 acres, including a peaceful arboretum. The accommodations are comfortable, and the meals are all homemade with local organic ingredients. The weekend will include opportunities for workshop experiences, large and small group discussions and relaxation and meditation. We will close on Sunday after worship and lunch.

The cost for the weekend, including meals and lodging, will be $265 per person or $150 for a commuter. Spiritual Formation Collaborative would not like cost to be inhibit participation at the retreat, please reach out to Susan Thompson (267 847-6396 | before registering for assistance.

For more information, please contact:

Susan Thompson (267 847-6396

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Sharing Our Stories on Justice and Peace (hybrid)
12:00 PM12:00

Sharing Our Stories on Justice and Peace (hybrid)

Friends Peace Teams - Europe works with children, parents, teachers, and communities recovering from war, colonization, and violence, and supports other justice and peace workers around the world. This Power of Goodness and Alternatives to Violence Project (AVP) facilitator walks the talk:

Olha Lychko-Parubocha, Ukraine, is a psychologist and counsellor who lives in the western Ukrainian city of Lviv and works with IDPs, people displaced from their home because of the war, helping them with trauma resilience and recovery, coping with their losses and finding a way forward in their lives.

Learn more about this event here!

For those that wish to attend via zoom, please register in advance by clicking here. After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the meeting.

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7:00 PM19:00

The Nonviolent Path to Palestinian Freedom: A Conversation with Ali Abu Awwad

Ali Abu Awwad is a world-recognized Palestinian activist and the founding leader of the Taghyeer (Change) Palestinian National Nonviolence Movement, promoting nonviolence and self-development to guarantee a nonviolent solution to the conflict.  He lives in Beit Jala, Palestine.

The event is free, however, there will be an opportunity for attendees to financially support the Taghyeer programs after the presentation. Refreshments will also be served. Learn more about Ali Abu Awwad and Taghyeer.

For those that wish to attend via zoom, please register in advance by clicking here. After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the meeting.

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7:00 PM19:00

Beyond the Two-State Solution

The current Palestinian-Israeli situation is untenable and needs fresh solutions.  We present this program as part of the conversation about possible ways to go forward in this complex issue.  Jonathan Kuttab, co-founder of the Palestinian human rights group Al-Haq and co-founder of Nonviolence International, will discuss his book “Beyond the Two-State Solution” as an option for resolving the Palestinian-Israeli conflict.

Attend in-person, view on Zoom, or watch on Facebook live.

Register at or use the QR code on the attached flyer.

Questions? Call Joe DiGarbo at (717) 203-4274 or email

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to Oct 17

Spiritual Refreshment: Reaching for the Divine

The Spiritual Formation Collaborative is holding its annual in-person weekend retreat at Pendle Hill in person on Friday October 15 to Sunday October 17, 2021.

Nurture your spirit with a weekend retreat designed to create sanctuary for our souls, to renew and deepen our lives in spiritual community. We will meet at Pendle Hill in Wallingford, Pennsylvania, a beautiful Quaker Retreat Center on 24 acres. Enjoy comfortable accommodations and delicious homemade meals, made with local organic ingredients. We will have the opportunity for loving conversations and activities with fellow travelers on the Spiritual Journey. Thanks to PYM, we are offering a bargain price of only $250 for a private room, $210 for shared occupancy.

  For more information:

Please note that Pendle Hill requires that Registration be completed by August 31.

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9:00 PM21:00

Prayer Vigil/Worship For Election

Under the care of the Worship and Ministry Committee, we are going to have a prayer vigil/worship time on November 3 after the polls close in the Eastern Time zone. It will start at 9:00 and continue at least until 10:00 (when polls close in Central Time), maybe 10:30. You can come and go as you like—check returns, if that’s what you want to do, and come back. This is open to everyone, including the public, without regard for political affiliation. Come and pray for peace.

Join using this link or by phone: (301) 715-8592 - meeting ID: 856 4324 9338

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to Jul 26

Camp FoxTales

Children ages 5 to 12 are invited to come together at the Lancaster Friends Meeting and spend five days learning about community building, nature exploration, Quaker ideas, service work, games, crafts, and much, much more.  The day camp will run from 9:00 am until 2:00pm Monday July 22, 2019 through through Friday July 26, 2019, and will be held at the Meetinghouse.  We will take at least two “field trips,” including one at the County Park, which will include swimming.  The theme this year is the Testimony of Peace.  Forms will be available soon.  For now, please save the date. Contact Andrea Carty or Beth Hernon-Reeves with any questions.

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to Jun 16

Retreat For Renewal

Reserve the weekend of June 14-16, 2019 for LMM’s annual Retreat for Renewal at Mariawald outside Reading PA.  The theme for this lightly scheduled, mostly silent retreat is Living Awake to the Sacred in the Natural World.

Mariawald Renewal Center provides private rooms with bath, and cozy spaces for reading and writing.  The surrounding wooded property has trails for walking and benches for sitting in the quiet.  Meals are provided, and there are kitchenettes available if you prefer to bring your own food.

We begin with dinner on Friday and close on Sunday morning in time to return to Lancaster for 10:00 worship.  The cost is $150/person; scholarships are available since this is an event of Worship and Ministry Committee. Nancy Bieber will be guiding us.

Registration forms are at the meetinghouse (gathering room round table) or contact Jane Cadwallader by e-mail (

Please consider joining us for this peaceful time away.

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9:00 AM09:00

PYM Continuing Sessions

We will meet on Saturday, March 23, at Reading Meeting at 9 a.m.. We will continue to hold the query from fall sessions: How do we, as Friends, center ourselves toward trust and love? In carrying this messages, Friends are invited to participate in Seeking Faithfulness, a multi-generational action outside Berks Detention Center in the morning, and Meeting for Business at the Miller Center for the Arts in the afternoon. Youth Programs will be welcome to join in the action, and they will have their own programming at Reading Meeting. 

The action at Berks will take the form of extended, multi-generational, semi-programmed worship, beginning at 10 a.m. Contributions from Young Adult Friends and our partners at the Shut Down Berks Interfaith Witness, as well as music, will ground and structure our time together. Much of the action will be devoted to deep, centered silence, out of which all are invited to bring messages of prayer, protest, and other energetic movements of the Spirit that rise among us. 

Meeting for Worship with Attention to Business

will be held at the Miller Center for the Arts on the Reading Area Community College (4 North 2nd Street, Reading, PA 19601) from 1:00pm – 4:00pm.

The Youth Programs: Action and Reflection

Following participation in the action at Berks County Residential Center (with an alternative peaceful, multigenerational action and child care available at Reading Meeting that morning), lunch and afternoon programs will be held at Reading Monthly Meeting in the afternoon(108 North 6th Street, Reading, PA 19601)

 For more information on Continuing Sessions, check out the PYM website.  Register Today! 

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Fall Reatreat
9:00 AM09:00

Fall Reatreat

Worship and Ministry’s annual fall retreat will be on Saturday October 28, from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m., in the Community Room at the Meetinghouse. Our facilitator will be Brian Drayton of New England Yearly Meeting, author of A Language for the Inward Landscape and On Living with a Concern for Gospel Ministry.  He will be addressing the topic "Becoming again a witnessing people: Stewarding the gifts among us.”  We will gather at 9:00 for light refreshments and coffee, and the program will start at 9:30.  Lunch will be brown bag, with beverages provided.   

Brian will also be speaking at Adult First Day School on First Day (9:00-9:45) on “Gathered, Baptized, Reached: What Happens in Worship.”  He will also give forum after meeting on the topic of "Climate change as a spiritual challenge.” 

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Quakerism 101
to Apr 21

Quakerism 101

  • Lancaster Friends Meeting (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Lancaster Meeting is offering Quakerism 101, based on a curriculum developed some years ago by Philadelphia Yearly Meeting.  From the PYM description: "Quakerism 101 is designed to familiarize new members and attenders with the faith and practice of Friends, and also to deepen the understanding of long-time members.  It is meant both as an opportunity for spiritual growth as as an intellectually stimulating course in which specific information about Quakerism is shared.”  Quakerism 101 gives us a shared foundation on which to build; part of the value in doing this as a meeting is to have a mix of new and seasoned members participate.  So whether you have never taken Quakerism 101, or perhaps  taken it several times, please consider participating.

  The course consists of six monthly sessions, and will begin on Oct. 21 after Community Meal, from 1 p.m. to 2:30 p.m. We will meet in October and November, then in January through April.  Childcare will be provided, but to assist in planning, please e-mail Anna Kennedy ( if you anticipate attending and needing childcare. Our leader will be Joan Broadfield, from Chester Meeting.  Please join us for any or all sessions!

The tentative agenda of topics is as follows:
--Seeking: those who are coming - expectations & review of sessions
--Seeking:  the original Friends - and the context of the times (and the Bible)
--Finding:  worship- how it began, how it has changed 
--"Sufferings": the actions out of worship; action and witness 
--Discernment: in community and inward life
--'And from here to the world': what is happening today, including in Quaker organizations.

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to Dec 29

Mindfulness Based Tai Chi Classes

JL_Tai Chi Flyer pg. 1.jpg

What is Tai Chi?

Tai Chi is a Chinese martial art and health exercise based on Taoist philosophy that emphasizes deep relaxation of mind and body. The form practice helps one to achieve this by developing greater awareness of 'here and now'.

Tai Chi encourages a deep pattern of breathing with the flow of movements, which are relaxed but precise.

Tai Chi promotes core strength, improves balance and helps in the prevention of falls.

Tai Chi moves are choreographed and carried out in a set sequence.

Regular practice brings about a sense of wellbeing, boosts blood circulation, and increases the mobility of joints. It stretches and tones muscles, ligaments and tendons and improves posture.

The addition of Mindfulness Practices incorporated during the beginners instruction allow participants to begin to feel some of the deeper benefits of Tai Chi that are not often realized until years into the practice.

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to Jun 17

Retreat at Mariawald

Friends are once again invited to enjoy the peace and beauty of a weekend retreat at Mariawald Renewal Center just outside of Reading, PA, from June 15 to 17 this year. Private rooms include private baths, balconies overlooking the property, and comfy accommodations for reading and writing. The surrounding property and woods with trails provide plenty of space for walking or just enjoying nature. The retreat will again be led by Nancy Bieber, who will invite and guide us into the silence and space for spiritual renewal.  The retreat is mostly held in silence.

We will begin with dinner on Friday evening and close in time to return to Lancaster MM for meeting for  worship.  Meals are provided by the Center, but there are kitchenettes available if you prefer to bring your own food. The cost is $150 per person. Because this is a project of Worship and Ministry, scholarships are available.

 Registration forms are available on the table in the gathering room of the Meetinghouse or you can contact Jane Keller by e-mail (

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