Financial Concerns
For reimbursement of payment made on behalf of the meeting, use this form.
Lancaster Friends Meeting has a number of special restricted funds for defined uses. Note that only members and active attenders of Lancaster Friends Meeting may apply to these funds.
The Capital Fund. Administered by the Property Committee, this fund is intended help cover the cost of major maintenance or repair projects at our meetinghouse. The Capital Fund has its roots Monty and Molly Milner’s gift to the meeting in 2000.
The Conference Fund. Providing supplemental financial assistance to Lancaster Friends Meeting members and attenders with financial need who wish to attend conferences, seminars and retreats related to the concerns and beliefs of Friends, the Conference Fund is administered by the Finance Committee. It is funded in the Meeting’s annual budget. For more information, click here.
The Education Fund. Administered by the Education Grants Committee, the Education Fund supports the education of people of all ages in our meeting by
Recognizing youth graduating from high school,
Providing grants for some post-high school experiences,
Supporting members’ participation in workshops and other educational experiences,
Offering short-term bridge loans for educational programs,
Supporting educational, vocational and career counseling,
Supplementing the Meeting’s Conference Fund and
Assisting students and their families in exploring school funding resources.
See the Education Fund notebook located in the meeting library. For more information, click here.
The International Peace Fund. Started to honor the memory of Ted Hermann, who dedicated his life to working for peace, reconciliation and mutual understanding internationally, the International Peace Fund is administered by the Peace & Social Concerns Committee. It may be used to underwrite the work of individual members and attenders (or groups of Friends) from Lancaster Friends Meeting who are personally involved in international projects intended to overcome violence, support peace and promote understanding and reconciliation in the wider world. For more information, contact any member of the Peace & Concerns Committee.
The Leadings Fund. The Leadings Fund is used to support ways in which Friends are led to serve the world and our community. These include peace and social justice work and other service related to the testimonies, as well as spiritual nurture of our Quaker community. It is administered by a special oversight committee and seeks to assist members and attenders in following their individual leadings. There is a notebook in the meeting library with details about how to apply and expected accountability or click here for more information.
The Peace & Social Justice Fund. This dollar-for-dollar matching fund was established by Bob and Ginny Neuhauser in 1998. It is available to provide supplemental support for endeavors generated and approved by the Meeting or that arise from within the Meeting and its committees. In addition, it is also intended to support “released” Friends for a period of time to follow their calling and to support individual Meeting members or attenders when they participate in work camps or other projects related to social concerns or peace work. It is administered by the Peace & Social Concerns Committee; contact any member of the committee for more information or click here.
The Youth Service/Youth Enrichment Funds. This unified fund has two goals:
First, to support the youth (aged 8-18) of Lancaster Friends Meeting by enabling them to participate in activities that will nurture their spiritual growth and maturation as individuals that are in harmony with Quaker faith and practices. Funds are available to help underwrite the cost of participation in such activities as Young Friends gatherings, Quaker conferences, service projects, camps and other growth opportunities.
Second, to encourage and support youth (aged 8 to 24) to become involved in the Meeting and the wider community through service, defined as the action of helping others. The vision includes youth growing through mentoring relationships and gaining self-confidence by participating in challenging experiences that contribute to the community and the wider world.
More information COMING SOON. Click here for an application form. This fund is administered by the Youth Service/Youth Enrichment Committee.
All of these funds are invested with Friends Fiduciary. The Finance Committee reports on their status to the Business Meeting once a year.